Posted by: angierfw | April 28, 2009

My Lenten Journey – part the 2

My hectic life this past Lent and Easter just continued! The
teaching by Dwight Pryor lead me to start finding out more about
Hebrew. It id not take to much to track down a really good site
called Hebrew4Christians.
It has a wealth of information on it and lots of audio for the
correct pronunciation. So I guess its back to learning the Aleph Bet
again! Not to mention learning to read and write from right to left
but it will be fun.

The School of Discipleship continued the weekend before Holy week
with our usual Drinking Well given over to a talk by Juan Carlos
Ortiz entitled “Jesus Christ is Lord.” Juan’s main thrust
of his talk was our own “Fifth Gospel” where we –
that is the whole Christian Church – take all the promises and
“nice” teachings and make up our own book. We either do
it by underlining the good bits or copy them into a notebook or just
memorise the words and mostly loose all the context and the
conditions behind the words.

On that Saturday we return to listen to the teaching of Dwight
Pryor again as he talked about Rav Yeshua’s call to all who would be
His disciples to “Walk after Me!” To walk in His dust and
to sit as His feet as He teaches us and correctly interprets the Holy
Scriptures for us. We have to be live in Faithfulness, Humility and
Servant hood, and Wholeness to be His Disciples and Walk after Him.
Sounds like really being a true Christian to me! What about you? That
Faithfulness and Wholeness sound pretty good but what about Humility
and Servant hood? Is that a bit iffy? I mean I have some clout at the
office, perhaps being the CEO. How can Humility and Servant hood work
there? Simply look at Rav Yeshua’s life. He knew He was the Son of
G-D but was it important to Him? Even with all His authority He was
the perfect Humble Servant. Can I be? Can you?

Well lots more to follow!

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